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- The Minimalist yet practical 3 in 1 Baby Stroller , a first of its kind in the Belecoo Range to touch down on SA shores
- Unique features include Foam filled wheels with a super sleek rim design making it look sportier than ever.
- A slim frame with book fold ensures there is no need to remove the seat when folding , the entire unit folds all at once, fits easily into the boot & opens with ease.
- 2 way Facing ensures your little one can face you before facing the world.
- Seat Conversion from Bassinet Mode to Stroller Mode allows you usage from Birth upto 4 years or 22kgs. Carseat can be used from Birth upto 1 year or 13kgs
- Leatherette Adjustable Handle and front bar add the class aesthetics to give you a master piece of a stroller ready to hit the road.